Dickie Joes Burgers


CLIENT Dickie Joes Burgers

LOCATION Tualatin, Oregon

Mr. Neil Lee was in charge of the project and performed all aspects of design work, documentation, management of engineering consultants, and interfacing with the franchisee and mall staff.

A challenge on this project was that the shopping mall was located within a 100 year flood plain. To meet the City of Tualatin zoning codes for this condition there were two choices, create a barrier to keep the water out during a flood, or design the building to let the water in. LEEKA Architecture researched the options and determined that a passive solution to let the water in during a flood was the most practical way to construct the space. To meet the code, special relights were made with vents designed to let flood water in to minimize hydraulic pressure to the storefront which otherwise could cave in during a flood condition.

Customer Contact:
Phil West – Restaurant Concepts

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